How to check shock absorber

How to check shock absorber

Shock absorbers have an important role in maintaining balance and comfort while driving. The oscillation movement that occurs in the vehicle is reduced in such a way by the shock absorber so that the vehicle remains comfortable and stable when driving.

The shock absorber work is quite heavy in its use because it directly receives pressure from the wheels caused by the road surface with an irregular and random period of time. The bumpier the road is, the harder the shock breaker will work.

Even though shock absorber does not have a usage time limit that must be replaced every certain time period, shock absorber still limits the ability to use. For example, shock absorbers often used on bumpy dirt roads will break down faster than shock absorbers used on smooth asphalt roads.

checking shock absorber

Damage to the shock absorber will affect vehicle control; besides that, a damaged shock absorber can also cause uneven wear on the tyre tread's surface. How do you know if the shock absorber is still fit for use? Or it needs to be replaced? Here are some ways to check the shock absorber condition

1. Check for oil leaks

The easiest way to check the shock absorber is to check the shock absorber oil leak condition. Pay attention to the part around the shock absorber rod that moves close to the shock absorber tube.

oil leaks from shock absorber

If an oil leak or trace of oil leaks is found, this indicates that the shock absorber must be replaced. Even so, it does not mean that a shock absorber with no visible oil leak is still good.

The types of shock absorbers used by each car brand can be different, some use oil, and some use gas to fill in the shock absorbers. If the shock absorber is a gas type, then checking for leaks will be difficult to find, so you need to take the next step.

2. Do a bounce test

The next shock absorber check for you to do is check the bouncing effect produced by the shock absorber (bounce test). Here's how:

Check when the vehicle stops (parked), swing the car body up and down several times to produce a movement on the side of the shock absorber to be checked (for example, swing the rear car body to check the rear shock absorber).

After the car body has swung up and down several times, release your hands from the car body, and immediately pay attention to the movements and swings that occur in the car body.

do a shock absorber bounce test

If the vehicle rebounds continually you need to replace the shock absorbers. If the shock absorbers are performing well the car will rebound only once and then slowly return to its original position

Pay particular attention to the strut mounting during the bounce test. Place your hand on top of them coming during the bounce testing. Any noise or movement in the mounting could indicate the need to replace that component.

Check while driving, The same test can be performed by stopping the vehicle suddenly from a very low speed. If the car bounces up and down a couple of times before coming to rest, you need to replace the shock absorbers

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3. Check the working temperature of the shock absorber

The shock absorber inspection process's last way is to check the shock absorber's working temperature conditions. Start the car and drive the car on bumpy roads. Run the car for a while. Stop the car and check the temperature conditions in each section of the shock absorber larger tube.

hold the shock absorber tube

A shock absorber that is in good condition will cause heat to the shock absorber tube body after it operates, you need to touch with your hands the shock absorber's outer body. If it feels hotter than before, then the shock absorber is still in good condition.