The symptoms of bad shock absorbers

The symptoms of bad shock absorbers

The shock absorber functions to dampen shocks and vibrations in the vehicle body when the car goes through bumpy roads, cornering, uphill, downhill even when driving on potholes so that the passengers inside the vehicle remain comfortable.

Even so, this shock absorber does not work alone but support by a variety of other suspension components such as springs, lower control arms, upper control arms, sway bar, and others.

As a result, the damping effect of vibrations and shocks from the road surface that flows through the tires to the vehicle body can be maximized and creates a sense of comfort while driving.

The symptoms of bad shock absorbers

From many components of the car's suspension, the shock absorber has a vital role in holding back all the oscillatory movements that occur in the car body. It also brings an impact to the shock absorber life, which can be easily damaged.

When the shock absorber is going to damage, several consequences can make driving uncomfortable. Other suspension components will also become worn-out faster if the shock absorber damage is left too long. This article will inform you, the symptoms of bad shock absorbers that will happen. Check out the info below.

1. The car feels unsteady and swerving

As a result of bad shock absorbers, the first one is that the car feels unsteady and swerve when driving fast, especially when the road is slightly cornering.

A bad shock absorber can no longer dampen the oscillatory movement that occurs in the car body. As a result, the tire's grip on the road surface will also decrease. It will reduce the car's ability to maneuver, resulting in unsteady and swerving when driving fast.

2. Noises coming from the suspension

The second result of bad shock absorbers was the emergence of noises on the suspension when passing a bumpy road.

Yes, when the shock absorber is damaged, the hydraulic oil or gas that use to hold and dampen the shocks that occur in the car body will run out and disappear. This depleted hydraulic oil or lost gas will create a space inside the shock absorber tube.

When the suspension moves up and down, the shock absorber shaft will also do the same without any damping. It is what will cause noise sound on the car suspension when going through a bumpy road.

3. Car bouncing when traveling on bumpy roads

The next symptom of bad shock absorbers, the car will be bouncing while crossing the bumpy road. Apart from making the tire grip disappear, the damaged shock absorber will also make the car body bounce stronger.

This effect will appear because the springs that support the car body continue to move up and down following the car body's oscillatory motion, which is not dampened by shock absorbers.

The loss of the damping effect on the suspension due to the damaged shock absorber will result in uncontrollable shocks on the car body so that the car will bouncing when traveling on a bumpy road.

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4. Uneven tire wear

The next result of bad shock absorbers is the tire wear became uneven. It happens because the tires' grip on the road surface disappears.

A bad shock absorber could not dampen the vibrations up and down from the suspension springs so that the tire tread, which should have been gripping the road, became loose and slipped. This condition will make the uneven tire wear. In some situations, the tire surface will be bumpy.

Uneven wear will also occur on the inside of the tire. Not infrequently, cars with bad shock absorbers will experience worn tires on the inside. It could occur due to the damaged shock absorber that cannot hold the car's weight, so it changes the car wheels' steering angles, especially the camber angle.

5. The steering wheel becomes more difficult to control

The last result of bad shock absorbers is the steering wheel becomes more difficult to control, mostly when passing on bumpy roads at high speeds.

This condition can occur due to the reduced grip of the tires on the road surface. A damaged shock breaker will make the tire's compressive force against the road lighter, especially after the tire has bounced up.

As a result, the tires become easier to slip, which results in difficulty controlling the car's steering wheel.