5 Functions of the steering system

5 Functions of the steering system

In general, the automotive steering system has a vital role in determining where the vehicle is going. This steering system will control the direction and movement of the two front wheels of the car to move in rhythm according to the steering wheel's orientation.

Currently, each car has a different steering system, depending on the car model used. There is a manual steering system, a mechanical power steering system, a hydraulical power steering system, and an electric power steering system.

the functions of the steering system

The automotive steering system consists of several main components: the steering wheel, the steering axle, the steering gear mechanism (used to modify motion and power), and the steering linkage.

So, what is the function of the automotive steering system? The following article will inform you about five functions of the steering system in cars.

1. Set the car's direction

The steering system's first function is to adjust the vehicle's direction by turning the front wheels according to the driver's wishes.

Yes, the driver can adjust the vehicle's direction by turning the steering wheel to rotate the wheels/tires on the car's front and move right or left, following the steering rotation direction.

When the driver turns to the left, the wheels also move to the left. Vice versa, if the driver turns the steering wheel to the right, the front wheels will move to the right. That way, the driver can adjust the speed and direction of the vehicle.

2. Provide stability to the car while running.

The steering system's second function is to provide stability to the vehicle while running. Yes, the steering system always regulates the front wheels' direction to move together and point in the same direction.

When the right wheel moves to the right, the steering system must make the left wheel drive to the right. Likewise, when the vehicle must go straight, the front right and left wheels must also move in a straight direction.

That way, the vehicle can move and go in any direction with stable conditions and is easy to control through the steering. Incorrect steering system settings can make the car unstable when driving on the road.

3. Prevents vibrations to the steering wheel

The steering system's third function is to prevent vibrations from the road to the steering wheel. The steering system is designed in such a way as to work with the suspension system to avoid road vibrations to the steering wheel.

We can see on all components of steering system, which can also reduce vibrations from the wheels. Here are several example components of steering system that can reduce vibration from the road:

  • Ball joints that move flexibly on the steering system so that it can follow the wheel movements.
  • A collapsible steering joint is used to reduce vibrations that occur in the steering linkage connection.
  • Installation of bushings and cushions in the steering system can prevent the wheels' vibrations to the steering wheel.

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4. Minimize tire wear

The fourth function of the steering system is to minimize tire wear. Yes, the steering system is designed to fulfil the required steering angles in conjunction with the suspension system—for example, camber angle, caster angle, toe-in and toe-out, kingpin inclination, etc.

These steering angles will adjust the two front wheels' position to create a light, comfortable and stable driving effect to minimize the level of wear on the tire surface.

5. Provides a straightening effect to the front wheels

The last steering system function we can convey is providing the effect of realigning itself after a turn. Yes, in addition to minimizing tire wear, adjusting the correct steering angle can also allow the wheels/tires to move back straight after a turn. Hopefully, this article can be useful.