10 Causes of tire blowouts

10 Causes of tire blowouts

Car tires are components in a car that contribute to maintaining safety and comfort while driving. A blowout is the sudden loss of air pressure in any inflatable tire, sometimes accompanied by the sound of an explosion.

Therefore, the selection of tires, tire care, and handling of car tires are the primary keys so that the tires remain durable, not easily broken, and are safe during use. Yes, a car tire blowout while driving is undoubtedly hazardous. It can cause accidents that threaten the safety of both the driver and other people.

tire blowout causes

A blowout car tire can be caused by various causes, including insufficient air pressure, overloading, tires that are not suitable for use, and others. The following article will explain what can cause a car tire to blowout.

1. Incorrect tire pressure

The most common cause of car tire blowout is tire pressure that does not match the manufacturer's pressure. It could be because the air pressure is too much, or it could also be less air pressure. However, the cause of car tire blowout is mostly due to the lack of air pressure on the tire.

Less tire pressure will cause the tire walls to move more frequently and flex sideways. They are coupled with the stress due to holding the car's weight and the vehicle's speed when driving. As a result, the tire walls will easily expand, heat, and damage more quickly.

2. Overload

The next cause of car tire blowout is overload. Generally, each tire that is produced already has a different size and ability to withstand loads. The ability of tires to withstand loads is also known as the Load Index. Usually, the Load Index is listed on the tire sidewall.

For example, if the load index on a tire is 66, the tire can withstand loads of up to 300kg. If you multiply it by 4, the load you can bear is 1200kg. If we reduce it with the car's load (for example, 1000kg), then the four tires' remaining load can withstand 200kg.

If the car is forced to carry more than 200kg continuously, the tire walls become prone to cracks and breaks. This condition will worsen if the tire pressure is below the specified standard size from the car manufacturer.

3. Exceeded the maximum speed limit for tire strength

In addition to the Load Index, each tire also has a limit on rotational speed, a term known as the Speed ​​Index. The Speed ​​Index is symbolized by a letter to determine the maximum speed a tire can withstand.

For example, if a tire's speed index is L, the maximum speed of a tire with L's speed index can withstand 120 km per hour. Faster than that, the tires will break and blowout.

4. Often hitting the potholes at high speed

The next cause of blowout car tires is the tire is often hit the potholes at high speed. It is related to the driving style and road conditions that are frequently traveled.

Frequently hitting holes in the road or speed bumps at high speed can make the binding wire structure inside the tire change, break, and makes it fragile.

Damage to the wire structure inside the tire can cause the tire walls or tread to become bumped, causing the tire is easy to the blowout.

5. Damaged to the tire surface

The next thing that can cause a blowout tire is gravel, stones, sharp objects, and other hard objects stuck to the tire tread. These objects, if left too long, can cause damage to the tire rubber.

Damage to the tire rubber that occurs can spread deeper and affect the tire's fabric and wire structure. For example, water seeping through a damaged tire can rust on the tire structure and wire mesh.

As a result, the wire structure will lose the strength to withstand loads and pressures so that the wire will break easily, and car tires will blowout.

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6. Improper tire selection

The selection of tires that is not right can also be the cause of car tires blowout. When choosing tires, you should pay attention to the road conditions that are often traveled. Are the road conditions more flat and sloping? Or the opposite, more through uneven roads and potholes.

Choosing an incorrect tire, for example: using a tire with a thin and flat profile for use on uneven and potholed roads, will increase the tire's risk, so the tire is more easily broken than thick and high profile tires.

7. Using expired tires

Because the tires are made from rubber, the longer we keep them in storage, it will be brittle. It also reduces the strength and flexibility of the rubber. The tire rubber has flexibility, which is also influenced by the length of storage time.

The longer the tire is stored and not used, the tire rubber's flexibility and strength will also decrease over time. Even though the tire's condition looks new, the tire expiration date will affect the tire's performance when we use it. Using expired tires will increase the risk of a tire blowout.

8. The size of the wheels and tires are not proportional

The car manufacturer has carried out the precise calculation process for producing wheel and tire sizes, especially for efficiency, safety, and user comfort.

Modifying wheels and tires cannot be done carelessly, especially regarding safety and security. Using a disproportionate size of wheels and tires can cause car tires to the blowout.

For example, the tires used are original tires size, while the wheels are changed to a wider than the original.

It will result in the tire walls being pulled out, and the effect, durability, and flexibility on the tire walls are reduced. Gradually, this condition can cause car tires to the blowout.

9. The tire's condition that is not suitable for use

The next cause of the car tire blowout is the tire's condition that is not suitable but forced to re-use. Here are some examples of tire conditions that are not suitable for use. For example, the tread looks thin and smooth, the tire is more than three years old, or the tires start to look cracked.

The use of tires with conditions that are no longer suitable for use will increase the tires' risk during use.

10. There was an error when installing the tire

Although this is a rare occurrence, the last thing we know that can cause a car tire blowout is an error when installing the tire to the rim. For example, when removing the tire, the bead's rubber part (the part that attaches to the wheel) is torn quite profoundly.

The tearing that occurs can be neglected, and we can still replace the tires, but the damage will gradually increase due to the pressure on the tires that occurs during operation. As a result, these tears will slowly make car tires blowout.