Low manual transmission oil symptoms and it risks

Low manual transmission oil symptoms and it risks

Manual transmission oil holds a vital role in maintaining transmission performance to be always in prime condition. The manual transmission oil acts as a lubricator, cooler, cleaner, reducing friction and heat that occurs when the gears engage.

Therefore, it is necessary to periodically check the condition and quality of the manual transmission oil. For general manual transmission, it took a range of 6,000 miles to 12,000 miles. However, you should follow the recommended manual transmission oil change time according to the service manual of your vehicle.

Low manual transmission symptoms and it risks

Checking out on manual transmissions oil periodically function is to prevent manual transmission oil from running low, especially after a long trip and usage. Insufficient manual transmission oil and in an excessively dirty condition can cause fatal damage to the transmission.

Well, in this article, we will share information about the consequences of low manual transmission oil and its risks on the transmission. Check out the info below.

1. A rough sound from the transmission

The first time result of the low of manual transmission oil is a rough sound from the transmission when the transmission gears engages. Sometimes, its sounds like buzzing or rattling, either in one gear position or in several gear positions.

The rough sound mostly caused by wears on manual transmission components such as the synchronizer ring components which are starting to wear out and make the gears worn-out due to the low of manual transmission oil.

This slightly buzzing will generally disappear if the manual transmission oil replaced and filled with a sufficient amount according to the recommended manual transmission oil specification size for the car.

2. The gear suddenly returns to neutral

Another result of the low manual transmission oil is the shifting gear suddenly returns to neutral. The condition is something like this; driving the car and shifting the transmission gear to 3rd gear from 2nd gear.

For a moment, the transmission has entered the 3rd gear. But not long after, the transmission gear suddenly - returns to neutral accidentally without us operating the gear lever.

Initially, this condition often caused by a lack of manual transmission oil and the car was in use for a long time. As a result, the amount of transmission oil will decrease, the quality of the oil is damaged, and the manual transmission oil runs out. So it makes the transmission gear suddenly returns to neutral.

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3. It's hard to get into gear

Hard to get into gear is also a problem caused by low manual transmission oil. Low manual transmission oil does not lubricate the rotating manual transmission components correctly, including the synchromesh.

Synchromesh has a function to adjust the rotation that occurs between the input gear (the gear that rotates along with the input shaft and engine rotation) and the gear that will use to spin the propeller shaft and wheel.

Lack of lubrication in the synchromesh due to low transmission oil, makes the synchromesh, which made of brass wear fast. As a result, the similarity of rotation between the input gear and the output gear becomes more challenging to obtain. It is why the low manual transmission oil making it hard to get into gear.

4. Damage to components inside the transmission

The worst thing that can be happen due to lack of manual transmission oil is damage to components in this manual transmission. Damage that occurs can be in the form of falling and broken transmission gears causing the manual transmission to be inoperable and making the car stall.

Transmission gear damage often occurs because the bearings are too worn, causing jams and making the transmission gears locked. At the same time, the rotation of the wheels - the propeller shaft, or the engine - the input shaft transmission, will force the gear to keeps running. As a result, this transmission gear will be broken and badly damaged.