Change battery in honda key fob

Change battery in honda key fob

Today's cars are mostly full of electronics, and a key fob is no exception. Inside the key fob, it has an electronic chip that works as a transmitter and or receiver. It transmits or receives the signal when you close to the car or presses the button to open the door.

There are two types of key fob. first is a smart key fob, and the second is a regular key fob with the key. A little battery powers the key fob, and the battery may last for 4-6 years in a regular fob with the key, but it takes 2-3 years for a smart key fob.

In most cars, a key fob battery is not rechargeable and must be replaced once it loses its charge. And for modern cars, you will see a notice and warning indicator on your dashboard panel about the low-key fob battery, such as the image below for the example.

indicator to change battery in honda key fob

In today's post, we will give you some information on how to change the battery in the Honda key fob. Mostly, for a key fob with a remote transmitter and a smart entry remote. Here's how to change the battery in the Honda key fob.

I. Change battery in Honda key fob (Remote Transmitter model)

Before replacing the battery key fob with a remote transmitter, we must prepare some items and tools to make the battery replacement easier. Here are the items :

  • New battery, the battery type for Honda key fob with remote transmitter is using CR1620 (Voltage = 3Volt)
  • Small Phillips-head screwdriver
  • Small Flat-tip screwdriver
  • A cloth to prevent scratching to the transmitter body

tools to change battery in honda key fob with remote transmitter

After the new battery and tools are ready, here's how to change the battery in the Honda key fob with a remote transmitter

Here is how to change battery in the honda key fob in the image below.

change battery in honda key fob with remote transmitter
  1. Unscrew the cover with a small Phillips-head screwdriver to opening a honda key fob
  2. See the special gap at the side of the remote cover and wrap the small flat-tip screwdriver with a cloth to prevent scratching the transmitter. Twist the small flat-tip screwdriver to open the remote transmitter.
  3. Please take a second to remember the battery polarity before remove it. Remove the battery with the small flat-tip screwdriver from the button battery.
  4. Attach the new battery and make sure to replace the battery with the correct polarity.
  5. Put back the cover together until you hear it snap back into place.
  6. Screw back the cover
  7. Get closer to your vehicle and press the button to test that everything is working properly.

Read also:

II. Change battery in Honda key fob (Smart Entry Remote model)

For the key fob with Smart Entry Remote, you have to prepare the new battery type with battery code CR2032 (it's also a 3 Volts battery). See the example Honda key fob battery type below.

battery type for honda key fob with smart entry remote

And the other tool you need to prepare is only a coin, or you can use the key itself. Here's how to change the battery in the Honda key fob with Smart Entry Remote

Here is how to change the battery in the honda key fob in the image below.

change battery in honda key fob with smart entry remote
  1. Slide the lock button behind the key cover to unlock the built-in key
  2. Remove the built-in key
  3. Insert a wrapped coin (with cloth) to the built-in key location
  4. Carefully twist the coin to remove the upper half of the cover. Do it very carefully to prevent scratching the smart entry remote and to avoid losing the buttons.
  5. See the old battery polarity and replace it with the new ones. Make sure to replace the battery with the correct polarity.
  6. Put back the cover together until you hear it snap back into place. Don't forget to reinsert the built-in key.
  7. Get closer to your vehicle and press the button to test that everything is working properly.