5 Signs of a dying battery

5 Signs of a dying battery

As the main component to serve electricity to the whole car electric components while the engine is off, the battery is very important to support driving comfort.

The car battery must get regular maintenance. For example, voltage measurement, cleaning the battery terminals, or adding water to car battery if your car using a liquid acid battery. We should do these maintenances regularly to prevent the car from breaking down due to a dead battery.

5 Signs of a dying battery

Without a good and well-maintained car battery, we will find it difficult to start the car's engine. It will reduce driving comfort, and it can disrupt your activities due to a dead battery. So, how do I know my car battery is dying? Here are five signs of a dying battery.

1. Car won't start and just clicking noise

The first sign of a dying battery is your car wont start clicking noise. When you get into the car and turn on the ignition key, you will see the dimming light indicator on your dashboard panel. And when you try to start the engine, your car won't start and just clicking noise heard from the engine compartment.

It is the signs that could tell your car battery is dead or dying. Dead batteries usually no longer have enough voltage and current electricity to be used when starting the engine. As a result, it has no power to start up the engine and only makes a clicking noise.

2. No lights, no start, no crank

No lights, no start, and no crank would signify that the car battery is dead even if it's not the main sign. As we know, the car battery is the main source to provide electricity to all car's electric components when the engine is not running.

So, if they are no lights on in the dashboard panel, no start, and the engine won't crank, this indicates that your car battery is less power and would be dead.

If you have a multimeter, you can try to measure the battery voltage. Or if you don't have, you can try to do a jump start car battery. If the lights are on and the engine starts running, it signs of a dying battery. Pay attention : When jumpstarting a car always remember to connect jumper cables with proper order.

3. The body of the car battery looks bloated and aged

Another signs of a dying battery is the body of the car battery looks bloated and aged. Aged batteries, generally characterized by decreased work performance due to obsolete components. Worn battery cells, liquid leaks, and the appearance of a white crust that covers the battery terminal indicate that the car battery is dying or dead.

While bloated body battery can occur for many reasons like overcharge or the battery liquid was frozen before. It could be damaging the inner components of the car battery and make the battery is dead.

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4. The battery fluid is less dirty and blackened.

Yes, less liquid can damage the battery cell. If the battery fluid is less dirty and blackened, this could signify a dead battery. This sign only happens in a liquid acid battery with a non-maintenance-free battery.

The battery cell must be submerged with liquid acid. If the battery liquid decreases because of leaks or seepage, this can damage the whole-cell battery. The worn cell battery often leaves black dirt, making the liquid in the battery dirty and blackish. A result of the damaged battery cell is a dead battery.

5. Less or it's zero voltage

The last signs of a dying battery is the battery has less or zero voltage. The main function of a car battery is to keep the electricity and provide it when it's needed. Zero voltage means that there is no electricity power inside the car battery.

The battery cannot keep the electricity for a longer time and make less or zero voltage. Zero voltage can happen for many reasons, such as broken terminal inside the battery, worn-out battery cell, feasible battery liquid, etc.

We can measure the battery voltage with a multimeter to get an accurate reading of it. If there is zero voltage, then it could be signs of a dying battery.