Propeller Shaft Problems : 4 Common Damage Parts

Propeller Shaft Problems : 4 Common Damage Parts

The propeller shaft is a component that connects the transmission and the axle. The propeller shaft can forward the engine rotation in the transmission to the wheels through the axle/differential.

Generally, this propeller shaft is made of a strong steel tube sleeve. Each end has a connecting joint and is known as a universal joint.

Along with the period of use and the level of maintenance carried out by the car owner, the propeller shaft can gradually become damaged and require repair or replacement.

propeller shaft problems

This article will share information about propeller shaft problems with four common damage parts that often occurs to the propeller shaft. Check out four common damage to the propeller shaft and the symptoms below.

1. Universal joint stuck/damaged

The most common damage to the propeller shaft is a stuck/damaged universal joint. Universal joints are often referred to as spider, hook, cross, or coupling joints.

This universal joint is shaped like a plus sign (+) with tiny sticks roller bearing at each end. This bearing will connect the propeller rod with the yoke and sleeve joint.

The most common damage is that the bearings on this universal joint are rusted due to lack of lubrication and are often submerged in water. Rust that occurs causes the bearing movement to be hampered, jammed until it breaks.

Here are some symptoms that will occur when the universal joint is damaged:

  • There is a loud vibration that felt to the vehicle body at a certain rpm
  • Sounds and noise appear when the car is moving forward or backward slowly

Usually, we can lubricate several universal joints periodically. The characteristic of this joint is we can find a valve/nipple to drain grease on the joint body. To avoid the universal joint damaged so quickly, make the provision of grease periodically.

2. Centre bearing jammed/damaged

The next damage that often occurs in the propeller shaft is a jammed/damaged centre bearing. This centre bearing has four important functions:

  • A connector.
  • Stabilizing the rotation of the shaft.
  • Reducing torsional loads.
  • Dampening vibrations that arise when the shaft rotates.

Centre bearings are usually only on propeller shafts of type 3 or more joints. Read The function of the bearing centre on the propeller shaft type 3 joint.

Damage to the centre bearing usually occurs due to the service life factor and damage to the universal joint that is not immediately repaired. Yes, when the universal joint is damaged, the vibration that occurs will affect the work of the centre bearing. Over time, the centre bearing rotation becomes unstable and is no longer centre.

Here are some symptoms that appear when the centre bearing is damaged:

  • There is a loud vibration that is felt in the body of the vehicle in all-wheel rotation conditions
  • Sounds and noise appear when the car is moving forward or backward

3. Propeller shaft bent or broken

The most common damage to the next propeller shaft is a bent or broken propeller shaft. The cause of a bent or broken propeller shaft generally occurs due to hitting a hard object when passing on a rocky and potholed road.

In addition, poor driving (such as carrying excess loads and forcing engine acceleration when the car stucks in a puddle) also often makes the propeller shaft twist and bend.

This bent propeller shaft generally often causes loud vibrations throughout the body when the car is moving. Even this vibration often creates a loud sound that can make you worry.

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4. Sleeve yoke is worn-out/defective

Sleeve yoke worn-out/defect is also a frequent cause of damage to the propeller shaft. The sleeve yoke is the part that connects to the transmission output shaft. At the end of the sleeve yoke, there is usually an oil seal to prevent the transmission oil from leaking.

When the sleeve yoke is worn/defective, a transmission oil leak will usually appear at the rear of the transmission. If it's not severe, it usually just looks like seepage, but if it's severe, the oil usually drips out.

This transmission oil leak can gradually cause the transmission oil to run out. The effect will certainly affect the transmission components of the car and make the transmission seriously damaged. Therefore, when there are leaks of transmission oil, it is highly recommended to immediately repair the leak before the damage spreads to other components.