How to get rid of bad smell in car

How to get rid of bad smell in car

Driving in a condition that smells bad from the car's cabin can make anyone uncomfortable and is reluctant to linger in the car. This condition will be even more torturous if the trip we take is quite far and takes a long time.

The cause of bad smell in a car can be caused by many things such as a damp car carpet exposed to rainwater or spilled drinking water, rotting food scraps left under car seats, dirty shoes and socks left in the car for a long time, smoke of a cigarette, the smell of a new car, and the other.

How to get rid of bad smell in car

Yes, the appearance of a bad smell in a car can be caused by many things. Therefore, the most effective way to get rid of bad smell in a car is to remove the source, followed by cleaning up any residual odors.

How do you get rid of the bad smell in the car? In the following article, we will provide tips on how to get rid of bad smell in the car.

1. Remove the source of the bad smell

If possible, remove all the source that makes the bad smell and clean the residue. Remove all bad smell-producing items such as wet shoes, a full trash can, or dirty clothes left in the car. Also, remove all the wet carpet and dry it as soon as it is exposed to the rain.

Use a vacuum cleaner to suck all dirt and food residue that causes bad smells in the car. It is a good idea to wipe out the dashboard with a safe cleaning liquid to remove the scent that sticks to the area.

2. Maximize air circulation

Stuffy air due to the cabin is always tightly closed, adding to the strong smell of unpleasant bad smells in the car. Therefore, maximizing air circulation is a great idea. Just open all car windows so that the fresh new air can replace the cabin's stuffy air.

If you are driving, but it is raining outside (so you can't open the car window), you can take advantage of the feature that absorbs fresh air from outside. That way, the outside fresh air will enter and replace the stuffy air inside the car.

At the same time, if the cleaning process is doing at home, and apart from opening all doors and windows, the sunshine should also help to dry the car. The sun's heat can help remove bad chemical smells, which is very effective for bad smells in new cars.

3. Take advantage of natural bad smell-absorbing ingredients

To maximize the way to get rid of bad smells in the car, use natural ingredients that absorb bad smells in cars. You can use baking soda, which is quite famous for its potency, to absorb bad smells.

You can also use coffee and black charcoal blocks to disguise the unpleasant smell that appears in the car. Place the coffee in an open container and put them in the car for the night. This method is powerful enough to get rid of bad smells in your car.

4. Use natural fragrances for cars

Use lime or lemon slices and put them in a mesh bag to use as a natural car fragrance. Hang it close to the AC vent so that the aroma can spread when the AC is turned on. Or the easiest, you can also insert lime leaves right in the car AC vent.

5. Take it to the car repair shop or auto detailing shop

If this bad smell problem has not been resolved, especially for bad smell caused by car air conditioners, then the only way is to take it to the auto repair shop for cleaning the AC evaporator, which is generally difficult to clean up by yourself. If possible, choose a workshop that also provides auto detailing services.

Choose a special package for interior detailing so that the inside of the car returns clean and fresh. Because in general, auto detailing shops use a special liquid to clean vehicle cabins. The car that comes out from auto detailing shops will look like it was brand new.