Why is my car blow white smoke from exhaust?

Why is my car blow white smoke from exhaust?

Before we are driving a car, the best thing to do is to warm-up the engine first. It is needed to ensure the lubricating system or the engine cooling system can circulate naturally.

More than that, by warming up the engine, we can find out whether the engine is in normal condition or not. One example is to look at the symptoms of white smoke emitted from the exhaust when the engine is warm up.

car blow white smoke from exhaust

Yes, in some conditions, white smoke from the exhaust can be considered a normal situation. However, white smoke from the exhaust can also indicate a problem that occurs in the engine. So what causes white smoke from exhaust?

In the following article, we will inform related information about the phenomenon of white smoke from car exhaust.

1. Evaporation of cold air inside the exhaust pipes

The cold air inside the exhaust pipe creates a thin white smoke to blow out from the exhaust. It is a normal and common condition, so no need to worry when the car exhaust bursts thin white smoke, especially in the cold morning.

When the car is not used and parked overnight in the cold outside air, the cold air will make the entire car cool. You can pay attention to it, where sometimes there are often dew and water droplets covering all over the car body.

These conditions will also affect the temperature in the engine and exhaust pipes. So, when the engine starts to warm up, the hot air will flow through the entire exhaust pipe. The hot air will evaporate the cold air and then push out into the exhaust. Even in some conditions, water also drips out from the exhaust tailpipe.

The principle is just the same when we breathe in a place with cold temperatures, such as in a mountainous area, i.e., when we breathe, the phenomenon of smoke will come out from our mouth and nose.

The more water and cold air in the exhaust pipe, the effect of white smoke produced when the engine is heated will usually last long (at least about 5-10 minutes).

After the water in the exhaust runs out, the white smoke will gradually disappear, and the smoke that comes out of the exhaust will return to normal. That is, it does not emit white smoke anymore.

2. Oil leaks enter the engine combustion chamber.

The next cause of white smoke coming out from the exhaust is because oil leaks enter the engine combustion chamber. The following are the characteristics of white smoke due to an oil leak that burns inside the engine:

  • After the engine starts, the white smoke stays for more than 10 minutes, even after the engine has been running.
  • The white smoke that comes out looks thicker and has a strong smell like burning oil.

If the two characteristics mentioned above are visible, this is a sign that the car needs an engine check at the nearest repair shop.

The reason is, several things cause oil leaks in the engine room, such as worn valve seals, worn piston rings, etc. This condition will be riskier if it continues. As a result, you will spend more money on engine repairs.

3. There is a seepage of engine coolant into the combustion chamber

Although it is rare, seepage of engine coolant that enters the combustion chamber can also cause the white smoke from the exhaust when the engine warm-up. This seeping coolant will also burn out and causing fumes to come out from the exhaust continuously.

Seepage of engine coolant that enters the engine combustion chamber can cause by many reasons, including

  • The cylinder head gasket is leaking.
  • Crack on the cylinder head or the cylinder block.
  • The cylinder head is bend due to the previous overheat.

To be sure, you need to check at the auto repair shop that you trust.

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4. Problems with the fuel Injection system

The final cause of white smoke coming out of the exhaust is a bad fuel injection system. Cars with injection systems have interference that can cause white smoke to appear from the exhaust.

Here are some problems with the fuel injection system that we know can cause white smoke problems:

  • Air Flow Sensor is damaged
  • Engine Control Management is damaged

The two components above are often found to be the cause of the problem of white smoke. However, a careful inspection of the entire system in current cars is carried out before deciding the root cause of the white smoke problem.