Exhaust leak effects

Exhaust leak effects

At first sight, a car exhaust leak looks like it is not a big problem. So, many people underestimate this condition. Leaky car exhaust can have effects and consequences that can be harmful to people who use the car.

Yes, most people do not realize that their car exhaust leaks. There are very few characteristics caused by leaky car exhaust unless the leakage hole diameter is huge.

Exhaust leak effects

If a leaking car exhaust can have dire consequences and impacts for both the car and the car user, then what are the consequences that a leaking car exhaust can cause? Here are four exhaust leak effects.

1. The exhaust sound changes

The most noticeable result of the leaky exhaust is the exhaust sound changes. One of the main functions of car exhaust is to dampen the explosion's sound inside the engine.

With the exhaust, the explosion sound frequency will be muted by the exhaust so that the volume of the explosion sound from inside the engine will sound smaller and smoother.

When a car exhaust leaks, the exhaust sound will sound harsher and louder than usual. It is the result of the emitted explosion sound frequency waves that emit through the leakage hole.

2. Engine power is reduced

The next effect of the car exhaust leak is the engine power will reduce. It is in line with the loss of the backpressure effect generated during normal car exhaust conditions.

Backpressure is needed on regular car engines to keep the new air and fuel mixture from being pushed out through the exhaust valve when the intake valve and the exhaust valve are overlapping. That way, an excellent air-fuel mixture can be maintained so it can produce optimum engine power.

If the car exhaust leaks, this backpressure will decrease, or even it disappears. So there is no backpressure can prevent the new air-fuel mixture from escaping. As a result, the air-fuel mixture is not ideal, which causes engine power to decrease.

The air-fuel mixture that passes to the exhaust manifold can also experience self-ignition. When it happens, we may hear an uncommon explosion coming out from the exhaust manifold.

3. Decrease fuel efficiency

A decrease in fuel efficiency will also be felt due to leaky car exhaust. Yes, this is in line with the decrease in engine power, so it affects the driver to increase power by increasing the foothold on the gas pedal. The goal is for to accelerate the engine according to the driver's wishes.

However, increasing the foothold on the gas pedal too often will also impact increasing fuel consumption. As a result, fuel can be more wasteful than if the car exhaust does not leak

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4. Generates toxic gases

The last result of leaking car exhaust is the leaks can generate toxic gases that harmful to human health, especially for the people who use that car.

Yes, the exhaust gases from the combustion chamber will produce gases like carbon monoxide (co), carbon dioxide (co2), hydrocarbon (HC), and others which are very dangerous to human health. The gas will be filtered through a catalytic converter to reduce the emission with the excellent exhaust.

If the exhaust leaks, the exhaust gases from the leaking pipe can enter the cabin. Symptoms of dizziness, sore eyes and nausea can occur when passengers inhale the gas. Even in some cases, this gas can cause death for people who inhale it too long.

Therefore, always not to underestimate the leaky exhaust. It is better if the leak repaired immediately to avoid losses that should be anticipated in advance.