How long do car battery last ?

How long do car battery last ?

If you ask for how long do car battery last, this could be a complex answer because your car battery lifespan is depends on many factors. The life of your car battery should be known on how long it can hold its charge and is capability of being recharged. Once it can’t be recharged, your car battery is dead.

Yes, there a number of factors that could affect your car battery, including temperature, humidity, battery types, charging system, battery maintenance, car users behaviour, and other environmental factors. Those all effecting you car battery lifespan.

How long do car battery last

In an "ideal" environmental that looks perfect world for your car such as no high temperatures, less humidity, normal charging systems, and well being maintenance battery, the lifespan of a car battery would be stand for about five to six years, but on average usage, a car battery lasts between three and five years.

For example, if you live in the southern regions of United States, your car battery will dying faster than if you live in the northern United States. This because of you are in a warm climates regions. Warm climates tend to increase damage due to water loss and sulfation.

Another factors that could effecting your car battery lifespan is charging systems and battery maintenance (especially if your car battery using a typical lead-acid non-free maintenance battery).

A typical lead-acid non-free maintenance battery, used distilled water to conduct electric perform inside the battery, such as keeping an electricity (recharge) from alternator, and flow the electricity to any car electric components (charge). This distilled water can vaporized due high temperature, so its need to maintain the water level periodically. Dry or even low level distilled water, could damage your car battery faster.

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Meanwhile bad charging systems tend to increase damage due overcharge (overcharge means that the charging system has excessive electrical voltage supply to the battery). This condition could rising your battery water temperature and make them vaporized faster. Excessive loss of battery water will ruin any elements inside your car battery. As a result your battery will dead and can't hold its charge.

So, as a summary, your car battery lifespan depends on two main factors, environment and how you take care of the battery. If properly cared for and well maintained, however, you should get a number of years out of your car battery.