Low brake fluid symptoms, signs and causes

Low brake fluid symptoms, signs and causes

You may worry about driving with low brake fluid conditions, especially if the brake fluid level is near the low mark. Driving with low brake fluid can harm anyone because many possibilities can occur due to the failure of the brake system on the vehicle.

Usually, low brake fluid will be seen from the symptoms that appear on the vehicle while driving. Below are low brake fluid symptoms that occur in vehicles :

  • The brake warning light indicator lights up
  • The distance of the brake pedal increases
  • Abnormal braking conditions

The three low brake fluid symptoms above can appear at any time when driving. To be sure, we need to look at the condition of the brake fluid in the reservoir tank. The location of the brake fluid reservoir tank is usually located in the engine compartment section.

Low brake fluid symptoms, signs and causes

In the reservoir tank, you will see two sign lines, max and min. The upper line (max) is the maximum limit of the brake fluid level, while the bottom line (min) is the minimum limit of the brake fluid level.

If you find the brake fluid level is at the bottom line, this indicates that the brake fluid is low. Preferably, do a brief inspection of the brake system to ensure the cause of this low brake fluid and how we should do it. Here are the low brake fluid symptoms, signs, causes, and how to deal with them when traveling.

1. Worn-out brake pads and brake shoes

If you see the brake fluid level low or is in a "min" level position, pay attention to the brake pads condition. Worn-out brake pads and brake shoes will have low brake fluid and often cause brake fluid level low. We should note that brake fluid is used to push the piston inside the brake caliper.

The thickness of the brake pads greatly affects the amount of brake fluid in the caliper. The thicker the brake pads, the less amount of brake fluid in the caliper will be. And vice versa, the thin and worn-out brake pad causes the calipers to need more brake fluids.

When the brake pad is worn-out, the brake piston position will be more advanced, resulting in more space in the brake caliper that brake fluid must fill.

In this case (brake fluid is low), you should check the brake pad's condition. If it's very worn, you should replace the brake pad. Read: How often to replace brake pads ? However, if the brake pad is still in fair condition, you can add the brake fluid to the reservoir tank in sufficient quantities.

Use the type of brake fluid that fits your car's specifications, especially for DOT types. Usually, the DOT type brake fluid is written on the reservoir tank cap. You can use it to match the specification. Also, adding brake fluid only to anticipate that air does not enter the brake fluid channel and prevent the vapor lock effect on the brake system.

Read also:

2. Brake fluid leak

Brake fluid leaks will make brake fluid level is low and become a severe problem that we cannot delay to fix it. A brake fluid leak can cause all the brake system failures. The safety of you and whoever else rides in your car is at stake.

As you know, brake fluid is the only one that can deliver power from the brake pedal to the brake pad. Without brake fluid, the power boost generated from the brake pedal cannot flow towards the brake calipers and pad.

So, can you imagine if the leak is ignored so that the brake system runs out of brake fluid? You will find it difficult to stop the vehicle even though the brake pedal has been pressed very strongly.

To find the leak location, you have to do a proper and accurate check for brake fluid leak problems. Its because several components in the brake system are also associated with brake fluid.

However, there are components in the brake system that leak the brake fluid most often, for example:

  • Brake master cylinder (located in the engine compartment)
  • Brake caliper (for disc brake systems in the front wheels)
  • Wheel cylinder (for drum brake systems in the rear wheels)
  • Load sensing proportioning valve (usually located under the car close to the rear brake)
  • Brake hose on each wheel

It is better to check the brake fluid leak by technicians or certified mechanics to ensure which parts of the brake are damaged and the right action regarding the brake fluid leakage.